Donna’s Picks: Week of April 6, 2008

Here are some posts that I really enjoyed this week from blogs about genealogy, writing, and blogging.  Pay a visit to the site if the topic sounds interesting to you, too!

  • Daily Writing Tips advises writers about “Five Words You Can Cut.” Perhaps it’s just that my writing is really quite as bad as that?  (All five words are in my previous sentence.)  It’s a good reminder for writers and bloggers everywhere as it’s so easy to fall into the trap of adding useless words. [4/8/08]
  • Copyblogger proclaims “6 Ways that Bloggers are Like Rappers.” Now, I’m not really into rap, but I had to laugh out loud at the similarities.  Many genea-bloggers are prolific (or at least aspire to be), make guest appearances, are branded by nifty names, call their own shots, and free-style.  But my favorite of the six ways is: gang affiliation.  In the world of genealogy we call it “family”, but we’re otherwise known as a gang.  Fortunately, our happy gang doesn’t have any turf wars!  Check out the post and see if you agree. [4/9/08]
  • Family Matters talks about how “Profiling” can actually help your cousins find you online.  Can fellow researchers find you through your online profiles?  [4/10/08]

Thanks to Terry and footnoteMaven for the link love this week on my “Hats Off” post.  Don’t forget the big deadline this week…no, not TAX DAY, the due date for the next Carnival of Genealogy!  See that and all of the other due dates on the cool genea-blogger calendar put together by Thomas at Destination: Austin Family.  Check back next week for more of Donna’s picks!

3 thoughts on “Donna’s Picks: Week of April 6, 2008

  1. Thanks, Donna! I’m glad you are enjoying the George saga, I was a bit worried that it was going to go on too long…will make a final (for now) report tomorrow. And then save a follow-up for 2009!

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